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Customising employee surveys with Insync’s modules

Your employee survey shouldn’t simply be a tick the box exercise. Instead, it can act as a catalyst and prepare the way for important strategic change initiatives. It should identify any people, cultural or other impediments to the successful implementation of your strategic plan. That is why many organisations either do separate surveys or have important modules added to their current survey.

Separate surveys can be useful as it provides a special focus and normally enables deeper and richer insights than could be obtained by just adding a module to an existing employee survey. Many organisations have done stand-alone diversity, wellbeing, risk culture and safety surveys.

Adding a module to an existing employee survey, provided the survey is not too long, has the advantage of not having to implement separate surveys. It also makes for the easier analysis of data including, for example, the impact that important diversity, risk culture or safety metrics have on employee engagement.

Insync has six well researched and tested employee survey modules that are explained further below.

1. Diversity

Insync has created one of Australia’s leading and most well researched diversity surveys. It is designed to shine a bright light on the experiences and perceptions of fairness and equity, in particular, of minority groups – i.e., those non-white Anglo Saxon males.

Insync always supports its clients post survey and in the case of the diversity module that may include workshops and coaching of senior executives, unconscious bias/prejudice training and the like.

2. Wellbeing

In its simplest form, wellbeing is our ability to feel good and function effectively. People with higher levels of wellbeing are more sociable and energetic, more charitable and cooperative, and better liked. They show more flexibility and ingenuity in their thinking and are more productive in their jobs. They are better leaders and negotiators. They are more resilient in the face of hardship, have stronger immune systems and are physically healthier and happier.

The business case is strong for measuring and improving wellbeing. We have separate individual, team and organisational wellbeing modules.

3. Risk culture

Most leaders are well versed in the area of risk management but few organisations have been able to adequately measure their risk culture. Despite the many millions of dollars that have been invested in risk management systems, risk failures continue to occur around the world, with disastrous consequences.

These failures have often been a result, not of the technology and systems, but of a poor risk culture. Your risk culture module will help you answer this important question: “Is our organisation’s culture, both overall and in each area, sufficiently robust to ensure that all significant risks are identified and appropriately managed?”

4. Safety

What’s your view on the term “safety culture“? Do you regard it as a vague and ill-defined concept or do you see it as a powerful enabler and predictor of safety outcomes? Safety culture describes an organisation’s overall commitment to workplace safety.

In our view there’s nothing soft about it; it can be measured. So why do so many organisations measure what has happened, such as workplace health and safety incidents, but far fewer measure safety culture? By measuring and improving safety culture – the cause.

By examining workplace health and safety culture, Insync delivers specific, actionable information about the safety culture in different teams and demographics right across your organisation. By improving your safety culture, your number of safety incidents will reduce.

5. Values

Many organisations have adopted five or six values as being important to their success. Many also link those values to behaviours expected from employees. Some go further and identify the behaviours that aren’t accepted in relation to each value.

But how many organisations can say that their values are so deeply embedded into their culture and DNA that they become part of the organisation’s way of life? Not many.

Too many announce their values and rarely refer to them again. Insync’s Values framework will help you identify which values are being lived and what elements of your culture are acting as a hand brake on the execution of your strategy.

This module supports the inclusion of your values in employee induction and also building them into your recognition and/or reward systems.

6. Culture trade-off

Your organisation can’t be uniform and diverse at the same time, nor can it place a high value on individual accountability and collective accountability at the same time. There will be trade-offs. If you prioritise hard conversations, there will be a trade-off which will result in a lower level of harmony, at least in the short-term.

Insync has developed an innovative way to shine a light on the cultural change that is desired to support the execution of your strategy based on the views of your employees.

Want to maximise the effectiveness of your employee survey?

To customise and maximise the effectiveness of your surveys, talk to us today.

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