Benchmarking board performance: 500 board reviews later

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Measuring and cultivating resilience and wellbeing of educators

COVID-19 and changing pressures are impacting our teachers

Given the ongoing pandemic and its impact on educators (specifically in the primary and secondary school space), having a better understanding of how teachers view their wellbeing and their levels of resilience will inform better practices and policies within schools to support them. ​

Since the changes to teaching methods brought about by the pandemic, teachers have raised concerns about their wellbeing due to physical isolation, excessive screen time, workspace and dealing with stress.*​

Knowing how your teachers and staff feel provides schools with valuable information to understand what kind of support they need. These insights can also help you implement changes to improve teacher wellbeing, which can lead to higher retention rates, improved productivity and increased engagement.

*Australian Education Survey by the University of Melbourne Graduate School

Measuring wellbeing and resilience

Insync in association with Press Ganey has created a wellbeing and resilience survey based on our research partner Press Ganey’s validated survey tool. This survey focuses on identifying and understanding how teachers view their wellbeing and resilience, to inform better practices and policies within the school to support them, while also allowing for informed decisions to be made that can not only positively impact your teachers, but the students and your school as well. Further, an Australia-specific benchmark for the results will be available, as more schools participate.

But first, how do we measure wellbeing and resilience?

In its simplest form, wellbeing is our ability to feel good and function effectively. High wellbeing leads to social, energetic, cooperative and likeable individuals and having strong foundations of wellbeing is paramount for all workplaces.

Insync focuses on the below elements when measuring wellbeing:

Wellbeing indicators

Strong wellbeing provides us with the resilience to navigate the natural highs and lows we all experience in our lives, whilst enabling us to flourish intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. In like manner, resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties and adversity. Insync’s survey tool examines how teachers engage with students, and if they are able to disconnect from their work during rest times.

Insync focuses on the below indicators when measuring resilience:

Resilience indicators

Our support to you

Knowing how your teachers experience their wellbeing and resilience right now will provide you with invaluable information to implement changes and direct your workforce back to a state of feeling supported and cared for.

Here is how we will partner with you in the process of collecting feedback

Education survey

Insync’s interactive portal makes reporting on results simple with easy to understand dashboards and one-page scorecard reports.

  • The portal can be accessed 24×7 via any ​web browser​
  • A user-friendly, drop-down menu enables the portal to be filtered by various demographics​
  • Historical trending and benchmark comparisons can be provided​
  • The summary dashboard will be customised to provide the information that is most important to you​
  • Dashboards can be exported as a simple one-page scorecard report​
  • All your surveys are accessible from the same portal and can be integrated to show data from multiple surveys side-by-side (e.g. resident, family and employee)

If you would like to learn more, please connect with Divya below or fill out our contact form here.

Key Contact

Divya Martyn


With a passion for creating inclusive workplace cultures that allow all people to thrive, Divya brings over 13 years of experience to her work, having worked in consulting, research, leadership development and business development, in multiple geographies. | 03 9909 9262

Schools and educational institutes we have previously worked with

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If you would like to connect and learn more, please click here.

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