Benchmarking board performance: 500 board reviews later

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Take your organisation “from answers to action” with your next employee survey or customer survey

As an  employee survey and  customer survey provider, Insync collects valuable data for clients but more importantly we take our clients “from answers to action”. Information is only meaningful if it’s used with purpose and direction.

That’s why our tagline, “from answers to action” is essential to every employee survey and customer survey project we deliver. We encourage our clients to think about their pre-survey, during-survey and post-survey work.

You may not be surprised to learn that some amateur or internal survey projects end after the questions are asked. Stats may be collected and reports written, all with good intentions of improving the status quo but they fail miserably post-survey. Improvement initiatives don’t get off the ground and the internal employee survey or customer satisfaction survey administrator loses credibility. We’ve all experienced it – your bank asking you to rate their customer service, your telco offering free upgrades in return for feedback, an employer promising to listen and act on what you have to say.

For employee survey and customer survey answers to make a difference, they must be turned into actions – actions that will drive engagement, productivity, profitability and sustainable high performance.

“Information is not knowledge.”- Albert Einstein

Organisations are at risk if they go into an employee survey or customer survey blind, without much thought about the types of issues they want to address. Employee survey or customer survey results may be meaningless.

If you’ve decided to conduct an employee survey or customer survey, we encourage you to determine exactly what you want to uncover and why. Employee engagement and customer engagement have been major areas of interest for the last few years. Sustainable high performance in tough economic conditions is another area we work in a lot these days.

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”- James  Humes

To turn answers into action, clear communication throughout an entire survey project is essential for success. Organisations that gain real insights and carry out successful improvement initiatives post-survey communicate well with employees and customers about:

  • the benefits of completing the survey
  • the survey results
  • subsequent action plans
  • how those plans fit and are tracking against organisational goals

Keeping participants and stakeholders in the loop in regard to your employee survey or customer survey project makes it much easier to go from answers to action.

“To reach a port, we must sail-sail, not tie at anchor-sail, not drift.”- Franklin Roosevelt

A good action plan will translate your employee survey or customer survey findings into improvement initiatives in an aligned and structured way, resulting in clear and achievable steps to improve organisational performance. Insync helps you consider your organisation’s aspiration, purpose, values, strategic goals and even brand identity. Don’t be afraid to link action plans to real goals and targets; and of course communicate accordingly.

For your employee survey or customer survey to be a success, you must start with the end in mind. Do you have a plan to turn your employee survey or customer survey answers into action?

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