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Learn more about building high performance across your entire organisation with our employee Alignment and Engagement Survey and action-oriented consulting services.
Our ground-breaking research has identified the 7 organisational habits that are essential for achieving high performance. The study draws on data from over 100,000 employee responses from around 200 organisations.
It examines the characteristics that most differentiate high performance organisations from low performance organisations
The 7 habits are:
Peter Wilson AM, Chairman of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) agrees with our findings. “Lessons such as Insync’s research are all too often forgotten as hard numbers and egos can regrettably take centre stage. Everyone wants to be led with a sense of purpose and hope and this result confirms that. Five of the other habits go to the heart of how an organisation manages its people and customers, and it’s good to have sound systems that are accessible, simple and clear. The research is highly consistent with research from our Institute”, Mr Wilson said.
Key insights from the “The 7 organisational habits that drive high performance” report include:
This study is based on data from our Alignment and Engagement Survey.
Learn more about building high performance across your entire organisation with our employee Alignment and Engagement Survey and action-oriented consulting services.
Our latest research unveils the 7 habits of high performance organisations that have steered them through a low growth economy and an increasingly competitive ...
We've written many articles about the benefits of deliberately defining the culture you desire for your organisation and then deliberately bringing
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