Benchmarking board performance: 500 board reviews later

Unlock evidence-based insights into board performance

Customer Experience

One portal – five customer satisfaction measures

Collecting immediate customer interaction data is a major challenge for large service-based organisations such as councils, utilities and health funds. Many of our ...

Having the heart to make it

Client profile: Mr Alok Mishra, Vice President Asia Pacific - Strategic Business Systems, Johnson & Johnson Medical, Asia Pacific

Not just a customer survey

A  customer survey is a great opportunity to get closer to your customers. Not only do you get feedback, it's an excuse to get in touch with them on more than one ...

City of Kingston – the top performing council

City of Kingston has embarked on a journey of continuous improvement to become Insync Surveys' number one performing council in Australia. What does Kingston do ...

Why customers shouldn’t be number one

Many believe & act as though, of all their stakeholders, the customer is the most important to the organisation's profitability, growth & ultimate success.

The importance of customer surveys

We all know the importance of satisfying customers, but few businesses actually check whether they're doing just that. There's no way to know for certain unless they ask.

Keep your finger on your organisation’s pulse

It's important to measure your organisation's performance with an annual survey such as an Alignment and Engagement Survey, but a pulse survey at key times of the ...

9 ways to a customer’s heart

Our new Profitable Growth Cycle research reveals the importance of engaged & loyal customers for an organisation to achieve profitable growth.

A different take on our 7 organisational habits research

Over the last few months we've been showcasing our groundbreaking new research into the 7 organisational habits that drive high performance.

How to measure and improve your safety culture

The cost of neglecting safety in the workplace cannot be underestimated. The annual cost of work-related injury, illness and disease has been assessed at more than ...

7 lessons from 7 habits

Our latest research unveils the 7 habits of high performance organisations that have steered them through a low growth economy and an increasingly competitive ...

Who told you your top customers were happy?

it is important to regularly seek & act on customer feedback. B2B research shows that most organisations lose around half of their clients every 5 years