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Engaged employees driving CAMS towards a bright future

Yes, your organisation can go from red (bottom quartile of Insync’s Alignment and Engagement Survey database) to green (top quartile) in 12 months if you use an evidence based approach to set your priorities and get the entire executive team behind them.

There are many case studies that prove it and CAMS, the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport, is one such example. CAMS, is a not-for-profit member-based organisation that embarked on a journey of significant change over the last three years. An almost entirely new executive team and CEO, and a newly created HR function, used Insync’s Alignment and Engagement Survey to help them prioritise those actions and initiatives that would improve employee engagement and alignment.

CAMS’ substantial improvement in employee engagement and alignment has helped them achieve key strategic initiatives and improve their commercial and community relationships. It has been a win-win all around.

Our case study on CAMS is a thought-provoking and practical guide on how to improve your employee engagement, make your organisation a better place to work and make it more productive.