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Back2workplace – confidential and secure vaccination status survey

woman working on laptop in a mask


Are you considering collecting vaccination status from your team members and stakeholders?

After speaking with many of our clients, we know that most organisations are looking at how best to move forward with working arrangements, in a safe way. They need real-time data to inform their workforce planning decisions, in particular, relative to the management of COVID-19 over time. This includes information about vaccination statuses as well as related concerns and/or confidence. An effective way to do that is to ask your team members and stakeholders via a confidential survey.

A survey deployed and hosted by Insync ensures respondent confidentiality, which in turn bolsters respondent confidence and participation levels. Insync will also ensure that the information we collect on your behalf, complies with the health information privacy principles for each State and Territory, letting you get on with your business.

Want to learn more?

Get in touch with Insync to learn more about how we can help you get back to work today.

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