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What does your organisation stand for?

Ensure your organisation knows where it is going, why, and what it stands for, with a clear vision, purpose and meaningful values.

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Purpose, vision and values

Is your vision compelling and inspiring? Do you have a good narrative that explains your vision, purpose and values, and why you are confident your vision will be achieved? Are your values unique to your organisation or could they be said about any organisation?

These are some of the questions we can help you answer to ensure your organisation knows where it is going, why, and what it stands for, with a clear vision, purpose and meaningful values.

After all, you can do all the employee surveys and exit interviews in the world, but this data is only as useful as the initiatives that come after. That’s where our methodology comes in.

Does your vision inspire employees?

A clear and inspiring vision does make a difference. Our research of 36,000 employees from 180 surveys found that inspired employees are strongly linked to critical organisational outcomes, such as employee advocacy, client focus, innovation and commitment to high performance. An inspiring vision also answers the need for meaning and enhances employee engagement.

Do you have a worthy purpose that energises employees?

Working harder and making extra money for shareholders is not likely to inspire your employees. We encourage organisations to discover and genuinely live out a much worthier purpose that takes into account the needs and desires of stakeholders that will drive the organisation’s economic engine; being their employees, customers and their community.

Our book Why Purpose Matters; and How it Can Transform Your Organisation co-authored with Rodney Howard, will help you understand why purpose is so important to organisations in the 21st century.

Are your values uniquely appropriate for your organisation?

This is an important question that needs to be answered very thoughtfully. One dimension of this question is to determine whether your values are sufficiently up to date. Many organisations, for example are talking about the need to be agile and innovative but many haven’t taken the steps to update their values accordingly.

Other questions that are probably even more important include:

  • Are your leaders role modelling your values?
  • Are there appropriate consequences for those that breach those values?
  • Have those values been well embedded and are they being lived every day?

Four steps to discover and embed a new GPS

Our CEO Nicholas Barnett wrote a book titled, “GPS for your Organisation: how to energise your employees and build sustainable high performance“.

It is a practical guide to help company boards, CEOs and leadership teams add clarity and gain ongoing buy-in to their organisation’s long-term direction, purpose and values. It will also add focus and urgency to their strategic and business plans.

The book shows readers how they can develop, communicate and embed their own Guidance and Positioning Statements (GPS or vision, mission and values) into their organisation’s culture, messaging and DNA. This will energise employees and help build sustainable high performance.

The process can be applied to all types and sizes of organisations from start-ups to well-established organisations and also to subsidiaries and divisions of large organisations.

Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level, wrote the Foreword to the book. In it he said:

“Thanks, Nicholas, for teaching us about the power of Guidance and Positioning Statements. With the clarity of an effective organisational GPS, we can all be more successful as leaders in creating high performing organisations”.

To find out more or to buy the book, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about our culture survey offering, click here.

Purpose, vision and values offering guide

Click below to download our purpose, vision and values offering guide.

Purpose vision values - Insync - Guide

Vision and values insights

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