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Employee survey communication tips

Employee survey communication tips

Conducting an  employee survey project is one part of your organisation’s journey to improvement and high performance. The key to making this journey a successful and positive experience is continuous communication.

Here are some employee survey communication tips to help you along the way:

1 Always build up to the employee survey start date

Communicate clearly and frequently so that everyone knows when the survey is starting because you will get the bulk of your responses on day one.

2. Send reminder emails

Send the reminder employee survey emails one week after the start date and one day before the end date

3. Create a really positive vibe about the employee survey

Add a message about the launch of the employee survey to your regular staff meeting agenda.

4. Find internal champions for the employee survey in your organisation, if needed

Some people may not be managers, but could be popular social leaders. Get them to promote the employee survey within the organisation to improve response rates.

5. Try to communicate the survey results within a few weeks after the employee survey closes

This is so your staff can see action being taken quickly and you’re continuing the flow of communication about the employee survey project.

6. Always link the changes that you make to your organisation back to the employee survey results.

This is so staff can clearly see the link between what they said in the employee survey to the changes that have been made.

7. Talk to your staff and involve them in the organisation improvement process

The employee survey is a platform to highlight key issues about your organisation, just as important are the next steps which is about having conversations with staff about changes that will be made to key areas, again always referring back to the employee survey results.

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