Australia’s post-COVID workforce reshuffle…
Insync's latest insights report looks at how employee engagement is changing in Australia's post-COVID workforce. Learn how to keep your team motivated in our ...
Our confidential, real-time employee wellbeing survey provides benchmarked insights, allowing you to respond to employees’ changing needs.
Talk to us todayThe way we work has changed for many of us, but employee wellbeing remains business-critical.
The true value of using Insync’s benchmarked Wellbeing Survey is the ability to gain insights into the lived experience of your employees as it relates to wellbeing to inform People and Culture strategies and make workforce planning decisions.
You can also customise, remove and add items to ensure your survey is fit for your purpose and circumstances. Most importantly, when we provide you with benchmarked survey results we can provide you with a roadmap for improving the wellness of your employees.
And why independently administered? Because research suggests that in-house surveys show biased results, with employees giving higher scores (often in fear of repercussions). Whereas employees tend to be much more candid when providing responses to a survey run by a party considered to be independent – thus the results are more accurate.
Here’s an example of the results dashboard, showing a fictional organisation’s results in four areas of the employee wellbeing survey.
Its been a great process from the start. I’ve loved Insync’s practical hands-on approach; being able to talk through problem solving and taking the time to really understand what our needs are. I do think that managers would be thinking ‘what do my staff need from me’ without the survey results. Teams are having valuable and meaningful conversations now – The wellbeing survey has been a conversation starter. The wellbeing results gives us evidence of what is working and not working and what is driving it and we have been able to then tailor resources and support specifically to the needs.
The wellbeing survey is easy to use and navigate. It shows data in real-time which has been helpful, especially with reading and analysing the hundreds of free-text comments, saving us time after the survey has closed. We’ve been running monthly pulse surveys so using our time as efficiently as we can has been important to be able to understand and communicate results, and formulate actions before the next survey commences. The Roadmaps feature has been a helpful starting point in creating actions that can address areas for improvement for our people.
Here at Insync, we are proud to provide services across all areas of employee relations, helping you to understand your people and help create high performing teams. Our services also include the creation of a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to help your business attract and retain talent. Additionally, the Insync 360° tool helps identify strengths & areas of improvement for leaders and staff.
Contact us today to facilitate positive change in your business.
Insync's latest insights report looks at how employee engagement is changing in Australia's post-COVID workforce. Learn how to keep your team motivated in our ...
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The five ways to wellbeing is one of the more simple, yet well-researched frameworks to enhance our psychological and emotional wellbeing.
You’ll always get a real person when you contact Insync.
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