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Australia’s CEOs out of touch when it comes to cultural change


boardroomAustralia’s CEOs out of touch when it comes to cultural change

Even in the wake of the Hayne Royal Commission, Australia’s C-Suite does not have a realistic view of company culture, according to new Insync research conducted with the Australian HR Institute (AHRI).

Our 5 Hard Truths About Workplace Culture report found C-level executives at Australian organisations see less of a need for cultural change than other employees.

Insync CEO, Nicholas Barnett, said: “I hope this report will be a catalyst for leaders to show that they take ethics, sustainable cultural change and their employees much more seriously and therefore also elevate the importance placed on the role of HR.”

Lyn Goodear, CEO of AHRI said: “Despite the wake-up call delivered by the Hayne Royal Commission, it is alarming to see a clear disconnect still remains across Australian businesses between the CEO’s impression of company culture and what is being felt at the frontline.”

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